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home is where the fox is

Summary: Eiden wants to be happy for the two clan members. If he was a good person, he would back out of the room and leave them in peace, because Garu deserves all the love and affection in the world. But he's sleeping with Kuya. Like, literally sleeping. It'd be way easier if he meant fucking. But dammit, it's unfair that he gets to cuddle with Kuya's fluffy fox tail when Eiden isn't!
Rated: Mature

led into temptation

Summary: Kuya pretends to be accidentally de-aged by magic. Eiden gets caught in his trap.
Rated: Explicit

yokai-assisted conception has a one hundred percent success rate

Summary: "I will give master babies," Garu tells Kuya, determined.
Kuya's odd eyes widen at the forcefulness, and then his mouth curves. "You silly thing; you are no powerful yokai with magic, and Eiden has no eggs to force into you like the snake's."
"Kuya," Eiden hisses, unhappy when he sees Garu's ears droop.
"Oh, relax," Kuya coos. "I didn't tell you it was impossible, did I? What do you think I'm here for?"
Rated: Explicit